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Samani Chaitanya Pragya, PhD
Visiting Professor of Jain Studies at Florida International University
Miami, Florida, United States
Listen to Samani Chaitanya Pragya, Visiting Professor of Jain Studies at Florida International University, as she moves from India to the United States to educate college students. Learn how she adapts her life as a Jain nun within this new context, always maintaining her commitment to non-violence.

Highlights of Interview with Samani Chaitanya Pragya, PhD

Samani Chaitanya Pragya, PhD – Full Length Interview

Interview Segments
  1. About Samani Chaitanya Pragya
  2. Becoming a Nun
  3. A Day in the Life
  4. About the Face Coverings
  5. Can Anyone Become Jain
  6. Covering Your Mouth
  7. Explaining This Path
  8. Making an Impact with Teaching
  9. New Movement Within
  10. Practices from India
  11. Significant Changes in Jainism
  12. The Most Important Things in Teaching