As we have seen in the first half of this course, Śrīmad Rājcandra was an important Jain Saint of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who founded a
distinct and modern, yet also in many ways quite orthodox, movement of Jainism known as the Raj Bhakta Marg. In the first half of this course, we focused primarily on how Śrīmad Rājcandra’s (1867-1901) philosophy was informed by notable events in his life, and how in turn these events and this philosophy have influenced the development of the Raj Bhakta Marg. In the second half of this class we will examine the features of Śrīmad’s philosophy in greater depth based primarily on the writings of the Mokṣa-māḷā (1887), but occasionally examining his Ātma-siddhi Śāstra (1896) as well. Moreover, we will examine the central concept of guru bhakti and discuss the importance of understanding Jain bhakti both within Śrīmad’s thought and tradition,
but also within Jainism more broadly. We will closely examine how Śrīmad discussed various features of spiritual practice such as the importance of mantra recitation, sāmāyika and dhyāna meditation, and other practices intended to remove one’s karma and give one a direct experience of one’s spiritual essence. Finally, we will unpack the concise and elegant arguments that Śrīmad offers for the existence of an eternal soul—all discussions intended to both edify and inspire practitioners to dedicate themselves to an ardent spiritual practice where one might hope to attain self-realization and even liberation within 15 lifetimes—a significantly more attainable and immediate goal than what is often understood by many in the Jain tradition.
Learning Objectives:
- Read and reflect on the teachings of Śrīmad’s Mokṣa-māḷā regarding themes of self-realization, bhakti, religious practices, and philosophical discourses including logical proofs for the existence of a soul.
- Understand the importance of Śrīmad’s emphasis of attaining self-realization and liberation, and how this relates to understanding him as a reformer or a revivalist.
- Examining key features of bhakti, especially guru bhakti, in the Śrīmad tradition and how this might inform a broader understanding of the importance and role of bhakti in the Jain tradition more broadly.
- Examine key features of religious practice advocated by Śrīmad and widely practiced by his followers including mantra recitation, sāmāyika, dhyāna, and guru-bhakti.
- Take time to reflect on philosophical principles of Śrīmad and applicability into daily life.
- Inquire into the deeper meanings and implications of the Śrīmad’s teachings in dialogue with other Jain teachings and other religious traditions.
Course Length
10 hours Self-Study (Professor available by appointment in office hours)
Learning Area
Jain Philosophy, History & Anthropology
Cogen Bohanec, MA, PhD
Cogen Bohanec currently holds the position of Assistant Professor in Sanskrit and Jain Studies at Arihanta Institute where he teaches various courses on Jain philosophy and its applications. In addition, he is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Claremont School of Theology (CST) where he teaches Sanskrit and Gujarati, and he has taught numerous classes on South Asian Culture & Religions and Sanskrit language at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley. Dr. Bohanec specializes in the Jain and Hindu traditions, comparative dharma traditions, philosophy of religion, theo-ethics (virtue ethics, and environmental and animal ethics in particular), and Sanskrit language and literature, and has numerous publications in those areas, particularly in the fields of Jain and Hindu Studies amongst other disciplines. He has a PhD in “Historical and Cultural Studies of Religion” with an emphasis in Hindu Studies from GTU, where his research emphasized ancient Indian languages, literature, and philosophical systems. He also holds an MA in Buddhist Studies from the Institute of Buddhist Studies at GTU where his research primarily involved translations of Pāli Buddhist scriptures in conversation with the philology of the Hindu Upaniṣads. He is the author of “Bhakti Ethics, Emotions and Love in Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Metaethics” (Lexington, 2024), an interdisciplinary study that frames traditional Hindu themes of ecotheology, ecofeminist theology, feminist care ethics, within a framework of virtue ethics in conversation with a bhakti-based psychology of emotions. Currently he is largely engaged in publication and research on various aspects of the Jain tradition, emphasizing translations and analyses of Jain Sanskrit, Prakrit, and Gujarati texts, but is also publishing academic works on various topics within the Hindu tradition.